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How Do I Know What Dog is Right for Me
While adding a new pet is a fun and exciting family project, choosing the perfect fit can be challenging. Some families have always had a certain breed and they are used to the demands and quirks of the breed, while others are embarking on a journey to get something different or even their very first…
Read More Noise Phobias and the Holidays
Summer is full of fun times and celebrations, especially around the Independence Day holiday. The fireworks this time of year sure are beautiful to watch. Dogs and cats all react differently to fireworks. While some do not seem to mind, others are driven into a panic at the noise or the flashes of fireworks. Some…
Read More Holiday Hazards
While the holiday season is wrapping up there are a few common household holiday items that can prove toxic to your pet. This time of year we seem to see more toxicities than other times of the year. I would like to take a few moments to go over a few common toxins, what to do…
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